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Month: June 2015

Cast of the known universe

Verbal corrections often take 2 minutes or less
If it cannot be settled by then the fists and boots come out.
Puffy eyes plug up the excuses and all that never was,
swaddled in the footie pajamas of all handed-down error,
a hobbykit monster under the bed, four-bile syncopation and ironic scrolling eyes,
half closed up and half shut down, cold-dried,  like it’s naptime even before breakfast

The light is good until it tries to climb out of the divide.
From across the civil dusk, the south side sidewalks shuttering all the lesser clues of the undeclared,
missing, or misplaced in the late afternoon’s dimming shadows, heating arguments,
and boozy recapitulations of the all-time greatest letdowns and fuckups,
cast in a mangle of smiles and madly arcing lies like
a blown coin purse, swimming in some humorless, inexhaustible, assholic, backchecked phlegm that spills out of my mouth
whenever I try to describe the known universe